Sunday, March 25, 2007


You can see how pleased Beth was that we did so well.
The Lads at the flower show in Falmouth. Josh & his friends came along to help with making sure the residents had a good time. Cornwall is famous for the spring flowers and it was a fantastic spring day too.

Friday, March 23, 2007

The next generation is on the way!

Robert And Sarah are having a baby by Christmas! What about that for spring news?!!! This is so lovely, we are all very excited. I think Maude, the cat has had enough of being the baby! So will be pleased to go out mousing when she gets a chance... Watch Robrah blog for up to date news.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

1st Day of Spring

A typical Cornish field full of Daffs for the summer bulb market. What a glorious scene!
Helford for lunch today, what a beautiful day. The tide seemed to be out a long way today. This Geranium was in full bloom as were Blackthorn, Gorse, Bluebells, Primroses and Dog Tooth Violets.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Views from Chris's workplace

Chris works along the Helford river for a firm that make off shore rigs. When not there he is trying to sort us out a bit of a veg patch! Mostly he is out rowing on the river

Malta to meet the Logos Team & Ship

Steve went off to Malta to stay on this ship, for a few days, he went with the local Baptist minister Charles Blizzard. This is a mission ship that travels round the world to all sorts of remote as well as popular ports. The crew on board are truly international young christians mostly on a gap or career breaks. They run ships tours & a bookshop on board. Click >The Logos II is coming to Falmouth this June

Monday, March 05, 2007


When I was a kid, we watched a programme called Softly Softly which was a police drama filmed in Bristol. My Mum would quite often point out the locations she knew from when she had holidayed there before the war with Auntie Eva & Auntie Kitty. Here are THE CHRISTMAS STEPS that were used a lot.
Matthew works across the road from Christmas Steps, on saturdays in his own private heaven of second hand tools; a shop called Bristol Design. Look carefully & you can see Matt at the counter stuffing envelopes with spring catalogues.

Chris's half marathon in Devon

The Mud was thick... but they were tough. Chris came 125 out of over 300. He had a great time.


Blue Reef is right on the beach at Newquay. Can you see someone crossing the bridge from the little island.
We went to the blue reef over at Newquay at half term. The octopus was really spooky he only eats live crabs sealed in boxes or toy boats as he likes a challenge! It is only a year old but is the size of a small child and they have to keep a large brick on the lid of his tank otherwise he would go hunting in the other tanks...scary or what??? It was difficult to photograph as it likes to live in the dark.....

This fish looks how I have felt!!!!

I have not being able to get on my blog for ages because it was not letting me sign in ...grrrrh..